Andrew Lu


I am a junior studying CS at Purdue University. My research interests include real-time motion planning, multi-agent task planning, and game playing.


  1. RoboSoft
    Physics-Grounded Differentiable Simulation for Soft Growing Robots
    Lucas Chen*, Yitian Gao*, Sicheng Wang, Francesco Fuentes, Laura H. Blumenschein, and Zachary Kingston
    In IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics
    To Appear


  1. Distributed Object Characterization with Local Sensing by a Multi-Robot System
    Golnaz Habibi, Sándor P. Fekete, Zachary Kingston, and James McLurkin
    In Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems


  1. Pipelined Consensus for Global State Estimation in Multi-Agent Systems
    Golnaz Habibi, Zachary Kingston, Zijian Wang, Mac Schwager, and James McLurkin
    In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
  2. Distributed Centroid Estimation and Motion Controllers for Collective Transport by Multi-Robot Systems
    Golnaz Habibi, Zachary Kingston, William Xie, Mathew Jellins, and James McLurkin
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation