CoMMA Lab @ Purdue

Welcome to the Computational Motion, Manipulation, and Autonomy (CoMMA) lab at Purdue!

About Us

Our research broadly encompasses algorithms, methods, and software for complex robots or autonomous systems to achieve complicated tasks in the real world, focusing on how robots make decisions about what actions to do, in what sequence to do those actions, and how to move in the world to accomplish those actions. We are interested in techniques that generalize and apply to any robotic system, constraint, or environment and are fast, efficient, and easy to use within a broader system—we want our approaches to apply to robots that work in factories, the home, hospitals, and even space. We are also interested in the intersection between the theory and practice of robotics algorithms, finding where software engineering, hardware acceleration, and intelligent algorithm design can synergize to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

Research Areas


Aug 12, 2024 The CoMMA Lab has started in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University!
Jul 15, 2024 The Collision-Affording Point Tree (by Clayton Ramsey), which provides nanosecond-scale collision checking against point clouds, has been accepted and will be presented at RSS 2024!

Selected Publications

  1. Collision-Affording Point Trees: SIMD-Amenable Nearest Neighbors for Fast Collision Checking
    In Robotics: Science and Systems
  2. Motions in Microseconds via Vectorized Sampling-Based Planning
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
  3. Scaling Multimodal Planning: Using Experience and Informing Discrete Search
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics
  4. Exploring Implicit Spaces for Constrained Sampling-Based Planning
    The International Journal of Robotics Research