Robotics Software

Modern robots are complex computer systems involving enormous amounts of software to handle everything from drivers to communicate to physical interfaces, middleware to communicate between disparate processes, and machine learning kernels to process incoming data to make decisions in real-time. Robots’ unique challenges (heterogeneous hardware, programmed and learned components, handling physical environments, emergent behavior in the real world, etc.) merit special consideration from the software used by practitioners and researchers. Developing software components, libraries, and robot systems requires understanding and shaping code around these distinguishing use cases.


  1. arXiv
    Foam: A Tool for Spherical Approximation of Robot Geometry
    Under Review
  2. RoboSoft
    Physics-Grounded Differentiable Simulation for Soft Growing Robots
    Lucas Chen*, Yitian Gao*, Sicheng Wang, Francesco Fuentes, Laura H. Blumenschein, and Zachary Kingston
    In IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics
    To Appear


  1. Collision-Affording Point Trees: SIMD-Amenable Nearest Neighbors for Fast Collision Checking
    In Robotics: Science and Systems
  2. Motions in Microseconds via Vectorized Sampling-Based Planning
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
  3. Software Engineering for Robotics: Future Research Directions; Report from the 2023 Workshop on Software Engineering for Robotics
    Claire Le Goues, Sebastian Elbaum, David Anthony, Z. Berkay Celik, Mauricio Castillo-Effen, Nikolaus Correll, Pooyan Jamshidi, Morgan Quigley, Trenton Tabor, and Qi Zhu
    Invited Contributor
  4. Workshop
    Dynamic Motion Planning from Perception via Accelerated Point Cloud Collision Checking
    In IEEE ICRA 2024 Workshop—Agile Robotics: From Perception to Dynamic Action


  1. Robowflex: Robot Motion Planning with MoveIt Made Easy
    In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems


  1. MotionBenchMaker: A Tool to Generate and Benchmark Motion Planning Datasets
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  2. HyperPlan: A Framework for Motion Planning Algorithm Selection and Parameter Optimization
    In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems


  1. Robonaut 2 and You: Specifying and Executing Complex Operations
    William Baker, Zachary Kingston, Mark Moll, Julia Badger, and Lydia E. Kavraki
    In IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts